About PENtag and PENGuide


PENtag was established in 2007 to provide specialised training and advice to those who are responsible for, or who have a professional interest in, the Local Government Pension Scheme and related compensation provisions. We take pride in providing our clients with high quality products and a personal service in what is, without doubt, a specialist area. Our aim is to ensure that those who are responsible for, or who have a professional interest in, the LGPS are fully conversant with the law and their responsibilities under it.


PENGuide is an on-line commentary covering virtually all aspects of the legislation (both past and present) governing the Local Government Pension Scheme in England and Wales together with those elements of Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) and Pensions Regulator guidance that are relevant to the Scheme and, where pertinent, decisions made under the Scheme’s appeal / Internal Dispute Resolution Procedure, determinations made by the Pensions Ombudsman, and judgments in the Courts (including the European Court of Justice).

PENGuide also includes an extensive library (known as PENVault) of current and historical documents that are considered to be of practical use to users of PENGuide, many of which are unavailable anywhere else and certainly not within a single, on-line, facility. The documents in PENVault include amongst other things, the various Statutory Instruments and Acts that are of specific relevance to the Local Government Pension Scheme in England and Wales together with, where available, original draft regulations, consultation documents, covering letters, and the explanatory Circulars and Memos, etc that led up to and / or accompanied the final regulations.

In short, the product provides anyone involved in the LGPS in England and Wales with a one-stop shop for technical guidance and access to relevant documentation.

Over half of all administering authorities in England and Wales, and the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, now use PENGuide. For a full list of current users please see here.

If you would like to receive a brochure demonstrating the on-line functions available to users of PENGuide, or would like to be given a full demonstration of the product or would be interested in purchasing a user licence please contact [email protected] who will be pleased to help.

Training and consultancy

The training and consultancy aspects of the business were wound up in 2020 in order to concentrate on the production and maintenance of the on-line practitioners’ guide (known as PENGuide) which PENtag now offers to clients.Our training and consultancy clients over the years have included:

  • pensions administrators
  • pension liaison officers
  • human resource officers
  • payroll officers
  • councillors who sit on the Pension or Investment Committee
  • members of local Pension Boards


Pentag Ltd is a provider of specialist pensions guidance and is incorporated and registered in England and Wales. Registered Office: Bridge House, Orchard Lane, Great Glen, Leicestershire, LE8 9GJ. Registration number: 6185817. VAT registration number: 907143736.